News & Commentary

  • No One Will Face Criminal Charges For Killing Breonna Taylor, And Many Questions Remain, LEO Weekly (Sep. 23, 2020), (last visited Oct 16, 2020).
  • Pack the Court, I Taught the Law (Sep. 20, 2020), visited Oct 16, 2020).
  • Can Daniel Cameron Take A Hint?, LEO Weekly, Sep. 21, 2020.
  • Tactics,  Repression the Same Today: The 1970 Prosecution of Louisville’s Black Six, LEO Weekly, Aug. 26, 2020.
  • Daniel Cameron — Which Side of History Are You On?, LEO Weekly, Jul. 8, 2020. Republished on I Taught the Law (Jul. 11, 2020), (last visited Oct 16, 2020).
  • No Taxation Without DC Representation — Making Black Votes Matter,  I Taught the Law (Jun. 8, 2020), (last visited Oct 16, 2020).
  • River City Banana Republic: Chief Conrad’s Ouster Is an Opportunity to Reclaim the LMPD, LEO Weekly, May 29, 2020.
  • Replace Castleman Statue With A Horse(Man) Of A Different Color, LEO Weekly, May 8, 2019 (commentary).
  • Why Elect An Opposing AG? It Takes A Fox to Watch A Weasel, LEO Weekly, Feb. 27, 2019 (news article).
  • Kentucky Supreme Court to
Gov. Bevin — Read Our Lips, LEO Weekly, Dec. 5, 2018 (news article).
  • Gov. Bevin’s Legal Strategy Is In The Pitt(s) — Again, LEO Weekly, August 29, 2018 (news article).
  • Will Lexington T-Shirt Case Clean Up SCOTUS’ Messy Cake Opinion?, LEO Weekly, June 12, 2018 (news article).
  • Tired Of So Much Winning: Bevin and the Courts, LEO Weekly, May 2, 2018 (news article).
  • Slapping Back at SLAPPers, LEO Weekly, December 12, 2017 (news article).
  • A #metro #metoo Story — Social Media and the Law,” LEO Weekly, November 22, 2017 (news article).
  • UofL Basketball Scandal: Notes from the Other ‘University-6‘, LEO Weekly, October 4, 2017 (news article). City Law vs. ‘Transvestites,’ LEO Weekly, June 14, 2017 (News article that reflected substantive research into the legal history of Louisville’s 1960s era “cross-dressing” ordinance).